Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

New music notation & submitting my booklet(about the presentation group slide)

Week 5: this week we have learned about new music notation, i have learn about whole note,half note,quarter note,eight note and the other note. the other name of half name is minim. i also have learn about tied notes,simple time and triplets. i have learn all and already remember about all that notation.
after finishing the presentation group and learning the new notes,we have to submit our booklet about the topic of my presentation group slide which is about jazz music.,inside the booklet there will be TOC(table of content,History,Famous artist and other things about jazz.

presentation group slide

Week 4:so in this week me and my group will present our presentation about jazz music,with my member which is batara (group leader) me and Ariel.after finish presenting,it feels so good we already done the presentation and our group is the last group to present.

Western music Genre & singing performance

Week 3:we learn about western music genre,western music genre is starting from classical music. jazz,rock,pop,blues,and country are also western music genre. the first western music genre is borouqe and then becoming classical music.
first i have to choose a song,and we have to sing it using our instrument too. first i choose "you belong to me"by eddie vedder but i change my mind ,so i choose to sing "i will fly" by ten2five,its a type of jazz music genre.
so i will have to perform too about the western music genre,only performing infront of the class.

National song and practicing mario bros song

Week 2: were still singing the national song,which is "padamu negeri" and "gambang suling",and all of the student must sing padamu negeri,the singing of national song are divided into 4 group,and i am with ariel and batara.
Mr.john teach me and the other guitar player to play this song only for fun and practicing,

Music Notation (minor & major scale)

Week 1: so in the first week, i have to learned about the C chord,A chord,D chord,F chord,B chord and G chord. we also have to sing a national song which is " Padamu Negeri". we also have to practice all session because later on were going to sang that song infront of the class. after finishing the singing assessment about the national song, we also learned about minor and major scale. in the first week my guitar teacher was absent for 1 or 2 weeks,so there was a substitute teacher for the guitar student which is me,Ronaldo,Batara and Ariel two of our member out because of nonsense reasons,which is Ananda and Atira.

the secret scale

this one is very very secret (they told me like that) so when mr.john (guitar teacher) was absent,there was a substitute teacher for him,his name is,he's from other place used to teach another students too, teach us how to do it what is that for, its only for practicing,to make us better in playing scale or when we are improvising.

G Major Scale

so at the first time of music class,my teacher (john legoh) teach me how to play this scale which is called the G major scale,even at the first time to play its so hard,but i have learn for 2 days for this scale,and now i can play it more clearly and no more mistakes are made.
i have practice for 2 days, that's why i am not making any mistake anymore in this g major scale while i was playing.